Are you Single?

If no one depends on you for financial support; your path to financial security should be relatively short and smooth. But it is a journey you should definitely begin. Start by implementing the basic-reducing debt, starting a saving program and planning for retirement. Life insurance also makes sense if your parents or siblings depend on your income. The sooner you get the better off you are, as you have an option to lock in your health and age premiums.

The greatest asset that you have on your side is time. You have the benefits of decades of compounding returns to build yours and your family’s future


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Get debt under control
Concern: Debt can ruin you in more ways than one. High interest debt can wreck not just your finances and savings but also your relationships and mental health.  You can be charged up to 28% rate of interest on your charge card by departmental stores, leading to bankruptcy.

Debt should be tackled step by step with a well laid out plan. Priorities are different for everyone.

Start by cutting down on your expenses. Make the minimum payment on your credit cards with the lowest interest rates and maximum payments on the credit cards with the highest interest rates. For example, a credit card with a $5000 balance at 28% interest can cost you more than $115 monthly interest. Transfer that to a line of credit that charges 5%, and you’ve saved yourself almost $100 per month. Now take that and pay down your line of credit. Often companies offer low credit card interest rates to consolidate high interest credits.

Products to consider:
Be Sure to Save

Do you tend to spend more than you earn? You will find it very difficult to save if you do so.


Try to live within your means. The sooner you start reducing your debt, planning for retirement and starting a savings program the better off you are.

Create an emergency fund that can serve you up to six months of basic living expenses if needed. It is not easy to squeeze out enough for long-term savings from a tight budget. However, it is probably easier at this stage than later. Compound interest has the power to turn even $25 a week to $31,000 with a 6% annual return in 15 years.

Products to consider:
Protect yourself first

It is a common misnomer that single people don’t need life insurance. It is imperative that you protect yourself first before you protect others.

Life can bring sudden changes that may derail your plans. Job termination, disease, disability or critical injury from accidents could stop you from earning an income overnight or eat into your emergency savings. Save early and invest wisely to be well prepared at all times.


You can opt for a low-cost policy but it’s not wise to rule out life insurance altogether. You may have parents or dependent family members who could get financially crippled in the event of your premature death or disability. If you are down with substantial debt, you wouldn’t want to pass on the burden to your surviving family members either.

Sometimes, your work may allow you basic life insurance but that gets terminated the moment you leave your job. At other times, you may be contributing large sums for your retirement fund and may not have enough stashed away for health or other emergencies. Single people need life insurance and sufficient coverage to cover all sorts of unexpected events.

In the event of sickness or critical injury when you are unable to earn an income, you can’t be indefinitely dependent on surviving family members. Disability insurance sees you through such unfortunate crises, without burdening others.

Business organizations and corporations offer some group coverage but it may not be enough for critical cases. Privately owned insurance covers you even when you leave the company and can fit your personal needs better. Find out more about your disability insurance.

Products to consider:
Get Professional Help
Professional financial advisors have years of training, tools, and experience working with many different clients and situations. Because of their broad experience, professional advisors can quickly assess your needs and offer advice that reflects the best practices of the financial industry and is appropriate for your particular needs. In addition, and probably most importantly, a financial advisor can help you avoid mistakes. Mistakes can be incredibly destructive to your financial health. Not having a long-term investment strategy, not having adequate insurance protection, paying too much in fees or taxes unnecessarily, having the wrong beneficiary on retirement accounts, failure to set up a will; the list goes on and on. What they all have in common is that they are all very costly and all very avoidable. A professional advisor will look for gaps in your financial strategy and help you correct them. Professional advice helps you plot a financial course with the confidence that you are using your resources wisely while avoiding the common pitfalls that so many fall prey to.
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