1.What is Life Insurance?

Life Insurance secures the finances of your near and dear ones. It is tax-free and offers cash to your beneficiaries after you depart. There are different policies that qualify you for different insurance amounts. How much life insurance you should have depends on your individual needs.

2. Who should consider Life Insurance?

If you are the main income earner for your family, a Life Insurance Policy is highly recommended. The main purpose is to protect your dependents from financial strain in the case of sudden death. But there are other reasons you should look into getting a life insurance policy.

3. Benefits of Life Insurance

  • Pay for funeral costs
  • Help pay the bills and meet ongoing living expenses
  • Pay off outstanding debt, including credit cards and the mortgage
  • Continue a family business
  • Finance future needs like your children’s education
  • Protect a spouse’s retirement plans
  • Pay off estate taxes to preserve the estate for the heirs


There 3 types of Life Insurance policies for your benefit:

  • Term Insurance: This is temporary and helps your family for a limited period of time in case of sudden death. When debt loads are high, Term Insurance serves well. As you age, insurance costs increase.

  • Permanent Insurance: For long-term benefits, this covers you better. It carries you through your entire life. Once you have Permanent Insurance, you can invest in health and savings plans for further financial assistance when needed.

  • Universal life insurance: This policy offers tax-free death benefit with the option to earn tax-deferred interest, that can be used for further investments or to fund the insurance amount. It is best suited to those with significant disposable income.


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